Eager waiters EACH 1 REACH 1 EAGERwaiters is ministry group crew etc we have a heart to speak and preach Christ via deferent means with our talent gift and abilities, as such, if each one can reach one, hell will make no profit anymore, this serves as a drive for us. Our heart lies on wining souls for heaven. With these, knowing the heart beat of the father. E.w strives in becoming like Jesus in all and every characteristic/ features of our life.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
"Becoming A Blessing"
Eph. 4:14 - 'Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our
minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different
or because someone has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the
truth. Instead, we will hold to the truth in love, becoming more and more in
every way like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.' NLT
A lot of times we get so caught up with our own problems, situations, or negative circumstances, that we forget the mandate that God has on our lives to win others for him. We can start so many "better me" campaigns until we totally forget that there is a world out there dying in sin. We are the cure! The world is waiting on the gift that we have to make things right for them. God has given us the power to show the world righteousness instead of sinfulness. God has called us to share his truth with them so they can be saved. But if we spend all of our time working on ourselves, then when will we ever be ready to bring others into the kingdom?
You see, that's the devils plan for a lot of us today. To get us so caught up in ourselves and healing our past hurts and pains, that we cannot concentrate on the people that need our help. So the world dies because we spend all of our time trying to live? You can buy tons of self help books, watch Oprah, pray for yourself, name it, claim it, be loosed, set goals, write the vision, declare your destiny, find your purpose by design, tap into your inner self, heal your past, go confront all those that ever hurt you, go on Maury to say "look at me now", practice self love, etc. but what about the world that doesn't know God? Jesus made you a Son of God by his death, so now you have the same power he had. Lay hands on yourself and get delivered so you will be some good to the Kingdom. Stop using all of your time trying to fix yourself and spend time walking in the newness of life. God made you a new creature instantly. Sure it takes time to grow in grace and learn of God. But don't forget, you are responsible for everyone you know that doesn't know! You should not always be your focus, but you should set your heart to help someone know the way. Yes, you are blessed, but now it's time to be a blessing!
Suggested Reading: Matt. 16:24, Luke 9:23, John 15:13, James 2:8
"Break It Down"
Joel 2:12 - "That is why the LORD says, 'Turn to me now, while there is time!
Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning."
There are many things in this life that cause us pain and grief. Many problems in our lives can break us down and humble us. God uses all kinds of situations to get our attention and he will allow certain things like money problems, shame, or persecution to get us in a place where we can hear him or change our direction. These are things that are a part of our growth as a Christian. But there should come a time, after we have walked with Christ for a period, that we should mature into a better Christian. Thus, we should not have to be broken down and made to endure pain as an attention getter, but we should get to the point where we decide to deal with our own flesh and our ungodly appetites.
God wants our hearts. Our mouths and even our reputations can glorify God without our hearts truly belonging to him. This is why, in this scripture, that God asked for our hearts. But he didn't stop there. He gave us a formula for it. Fasting, which will destroy the will of the flesh. Weeping, which will break down the outer image. And mourning, which will bring passion for new growth. These things should not have to be induced, but they should at some point be voluntary for your growth as a strong, mature, believer. There should come a time when you decide that you are going to fast to deny the pleasures of the flesh. You should weep before God in shame or agony over his displeasure in your sin. And you must learn to mourn, or be sorrowful for where you are and allow it to make you passionate about moving forward in your rightful place in him. Pray for these desires and pray that God will move you forward. Don't stay where you are. The world needs you better.
Suggested Reading: Phil. 3:14, Heb. 6:1
Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning."
There are many things in this life that cause us pain and grief. Many problems in our lives can break us down and humble us. God uses all kinds of situations to get our attention and he will allow certain things like money problems, shame, or persecution to get us in a place where we can hear him or change our direction. These are things that are a part of our growth as a Christian. But there should come a time, after we have walked with Christ for a period, that we should mature into a better Christian. Thus, we should not have to be broken down and made to endure pain as an attention getter, but we should get to the point where we decide to deal with our own flesh and our ungodly appetites.
God wants our hearts. Our mouths and even our reputations can glorify God without our hearts truly belonging to him. This is why, in this scripture, that God asked for our hearts. But he didn't stop there. He gave us a formula for it. Fasting, which will destroy the will of the flesh. Weeping, which will break down the outer image. And mourning, which will bring passion for new growth. These things should not have to be induced, but they should at some point be voluntary for your growth as a strong, mature, believer. There should come a time when you decide that you are going to fast to deny the pleasures of the flesh. You should weep before God in shame or agony over his displeasure in your sin. And you must learn to mourn, or be sorrowful for where you are and allow it to make you passionate about moving forward in your rightful place in him. Pray for these desires and pray that God will move you forward. Don't stay where you are. The world needs you better.
Suggested Reading: Phil. 3:14, Heb. 6:1
"False God Whoring"
Judges 2:12 - 'And they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which
brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the
gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves
unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger.'
The devil is a deceiver. Be careful believers, that you do not fall into the snare of the enemy. That you keep yourselves from touching things that bring honor and glory to the enemy or things that defy the most high God of heaven. You see, there are many gods in the earth and right now we are in an era where the enemy is trying to steal the glory of God from the church and steal the power of God from his people. So called Christians are beginning to compromise and do things that bring glory to the enemy and uplift those that worship and serve false gods. Believers are trying to justify going to clubs, listening to sinful music, living an immoral lifestyle, piercing themselves, tattooing themselves, joining cult-like organizations that promote false god worship, pledging into organizations and clubs who's origin is pagan and godless, and even accepting ministry from people that serve other gods and do not worship the true and living God of the bible. We are beginning the end ladies and gentlemen! This is what Paul preached to Timothy. These are the perilous times. Be careful that you do not go whoring after other gods and that you do not defile yourself or your walk, by accepting the gospel of the enemy that is being preached by godless, pagan prophets.
I received an email one time with an attachment that talked about a conference where a so called Christian minister preached a sermon based on the words of Erykah Badu's song. She apparently got a standing ovation and 900 or so women were in attendance. What a shame! You see, Erykah Badu is a spiritualist that promotes false god worship, and is apart of a religion, when she is Erykah, that does not recognize the Word of God as being the truth. So, when she is Erykah Badu, she is a worshipper of a false god, involved in a false religion, and does not recognize the words of Jesus Christ. But when she is not in her Erykah Baduizm character, she is member of a church in Dallas, TX where she supposedly worships the most high God, until she has to become Erykah Badu again! (Does that bother her pastor?) She even has songs with people like Common and others that take the word of God and sing it, mixing it with sin and curses. And the believers that want the worlds music so bad, are buying it, and by singing it or dancing to it, are in agreement with it. This is whoring after false gods my people! This is just what the children of Israel were doing. You see, God did not allow them to touch things that came from false gods, nor could they accept anything that was attached to false gods. So, why are we now trying to embrace the message of false god worshippers into the church? Why are so called Christians trying to justify singing songs that were inspired by false god worship? Why are so many so called Christians fighting for the rights of these false god worshippers and standing up for their right to listen and support them more than they are declaring the Word of God as the true God's message? That's because many of the modern day believers that club, that join pagan clubs, that sing and support sinful music, that watch sin filled videos and movies, that support the secular music industry, etc. do these things more than they ever read the bible. Most of them want the world and the things in the world more than they want the Word and the things of the Word. Wake up people! Turn from your whoring after false gods and the things that are attached to false god worshippers. Though you may find pleasure in them, you do it at the expense of your relationship with the most high God. He will not receive you if you are whoring after other gods. And God not only turned his back on the people that did these types of things in Romans 1, but he also turned his back on people that "found pleasure" in those that did it! Wake up people of God. Turn from these things and find pleasure in what the true and living God has to offer you. If you truly belong to him, you will desire his things, right?
Suggested Reading: Deut. 5:7, Deut. 8:19, Josh. 23:16, Rom. 1:32, Rom. 1:25, 2Tim. 3:1
"Anointing Vs. Talent"
1 John 2:27 - 'But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in
you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing
teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught
you, ye shall abide in him.'
Many times we tend to throw the word "anointing" around like it is a something that gives a person an extra edge over others when they are singing, performing, or preaching. We sometimes say when a person sings good, they have talent, but when their singing makes us cry, then it's the anointing! Or, often times we feel that when a preacher teaches good, he is talented. But when he hollers and sweats a lot, he is anointed. Many of us are so backwards on some things in the church today. Church people sometimes get careless and we begin to repeat what we have heard all our lives and never look it up in the Word. But that's why the EX Daily Word is here. I refuse to believe a lie and I refuse to just repeat stuff without looking it up for myself and knowing the truth about it. Let's look at this for a moment. The bible talks about the anointing in the Old Testament as mostly an act of blessing and selecting someone by pouring oil upon their head. The passage in Isaiah 10:27 that says that the "yoke of bondage shall be destroyed by the anointing" is talking about a God's people being enslaved by Assyrians and the word anointing in that passage is speaking of a certain grease that could make the yoke slip off of the slaves neck! I have heard that the anointing of God "destroys the yoke" all my life and I thought it was talking about some special gift that preachers and musicians had to break bondage off people while they sang or preached. But it means to be greased so that chains of slavery or yokes would not hold you.
The anointing of God is not some talent that a person possesses. Just because you felt what they were doing deep inside does not mean that it was God's anointing. Talent can make you cry. Talent can make you shout and dance. Talent can tickle your emotions and make you feel something that resembles the presence of God. Remember when you went to secular concerts or listened to secular artists like Luther or Prince? Remember how they could make you cry and give you emotions that resembled the same feelings you get at church? That's because it probably is the same feelings you got at church! That's why we can't rely on what we feel. But we have to know what we know about God. You see, it's getting very hard to tell the real from the fake. The enemy has come into our churches and has started to mimic what we felt was anointing and has made it easy for us to believe a lie. We even call homosexuals, secular artists, immoral preachers, and sinful Gospel artists "anointed" because they have talents that resemble what we feel the anointing is. But that's not God's anointing because you cry when they sing or you feel something. God's anointing dwells within you and has nothing to do with feelings. The anointing is merely the power of the Holy Ghost that empowers you to be what God has destined you to be. It's not a feel good potion or a tear jerking magic that good singers and preachers possess. It's God's leading and guiding power that teaches you his truth. This is what the anointing of God is for. Not to make us more talented and to make us preach harder. Not to make us sell more records or sing with better runs and riffs. Not to make folks fall out or foam at the mouth when we touch them. The anointing of God is the power of the Holy Ghost and his purpose is to teach us how to be what God desires of us and to also empower us to do supernatural acts according to his purpose in us. Notice I said "his" and not "it's". Many of us have made the person of the Holy Ghost an "it" like he is just an act and not a personality. But he is the third person of the Godhead and HE leads and guides us in all truth. When a person refers to the Holy Ghost as an "it" then they are talking about their emotions. You know when a person really knows the Holy Ghost and is anointed by him. They have a relationship with him and he leads and guides them!
Suggested Reading: Isaiah 10:27, John 15:26, John 14:17
"An Occasion To Owe"
Matthew 6:2 - "When you do something for someone else,
don't call attention to yourself. You've seen them in action, I'msure -'playactors' I call them - treating prayer meeting and street corner
alike as a stage, acting compassionate as long as someone is watching, playing to the crowds. They get applause, true, but
that's all they get." -The Message Bible
Don't you hate it when people do something for you and then keep reminding you of it? I would rather someone not even do it, than for them to do it and throw it up in your face to make you do something for them or to make you feel like you are in debt to them. That is witchcraft! Whenever you manipulate a person by holding something over their head, it is witchcraft and God is not in that! We are to be a blessing to people, not an occasion for them to fall. When you do something for someone, forget about it and allow God to bless you for it. Did you know that if you bring it up, you forfeit your reward? God said that if you seek to get applauded for it, then that's all you will get in return!! So, keep your mouth shut once you do it so you can reap the blessing God has in store for you. Even in marriages and relationships, people sometimes hold on to what they have done for you as a form of manipulation! They won't let go of what all they have done for you, how they forgave you for certain things that you did to them, or how they came to Christ first and brought you in when you were still a sinner! When you keep bringing up things like this, you hold people in bondage and keep them from moving forward. This causes people to be moved in a counter direction based on what was done for them or to them, instead of what thus saith the Lord about them and their future. You see, God has a plan for you but whenever you are manipulated into doing something because someone feels you owe them, then you step outside of your designated path and you are moved out of God's will. That is witchcraft once again. You see, when you call the psychic hotline or use tarot card, horoscopes, or any other form of guidance other than the word of God, you change your course based on what they say instead of what God says. This puts you in a very bad place. Witchcraft totally counters God's direction for you and it changes the course of people's lives. But even worse than that, people can be stopped or hindered by other people bringing up their past and holding on to things that should be forgotten. Let go of it! Whatever you did for a person should be a done deal. Stop bringing it up and using it to manipulate them. Don't be an occasion for them to be in debt to you. Let it go! What you have done for them should be God's business anyway and if you want him to reward you, then you have to stop seeking restitution for it.
Suggested Reading: Matthew 6:1-8 © 2010 G. Craige Works All Rights Reserved
Monday, August 22, 2011
Ever feel caught between God's Word and the women's movement. This Christian Women's Bible Study Course will show you that they are not as separate as you may think.
God created woman with a strength all her own. Unfortunately, most women in our society today have been so busy trying to be men, that they have totally missed out on the inherent power of being ladies.
These online women's Bible studies will be your Christian help as you search for the strength and beauty that God has hidden inside of you.
As Christian women, we can sometimes get caught up in getting things accomplished. But, I would suggest that you take your time going through each women's Bible lesson.
When you slow down, it allows God to use His Word to show you who you were really created to be. Not only as a woman, but as His woman
Proverb 31: 10-31 KJV
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
Becoming a Proverb 31 Woman
Lesson 1: Clothed in Strength and Dignity
The Proverb 31 woman is sometimes misrepresented. At times, she has been described as nothing more than a glorified maid.
But that is not who God says is more valuable than precious jewels.
That is not the standard that He has given you to aspire to.
Who Can Find a "Chayil" Woman?
The word "chayil" is what God uses to describe His idea of a real woman.
You have probably always heard it translated as the "virtuous woman."
But it means so much more.
The Amplified Bible gets a bit closer to the heart of the matter by describing her as a "capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman" (Proverb 31:10 AMP).
That sounds better, but, it is still not quite what God has in mind for the woman He has destined you to become.
The Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary explains that the term "chayil" was used to describe great forces and armies. A woman said to be "chayil" would possess a certain strength, might, and power!
If you were a man going out to fight the good fight of faith, doesn’t that sound like someone you would want fighting on your side?
The Proverb 31 Woman is no wimp. She is a woman of great strength!
A Strong Christian Woman-
Isn't that An Oxymoron?
Living in the 21st century, we can sometimes get a skewed idea of what a strong woman is.
Is she the woman who always speaks her mind and doesn't need anyone's help?
The one who runs her household and is convinced that, if she lets her husband do it, he would just mess everything up?
Or is she the corporate tycoon who only has one child because she refuses to be distracted from her career?
Proverb 31 reveals what your Heavenly Father considers to be true strength.
As He describes this woman, He says that:
Strength and dignity are her clothing
and her position is strong and secure...
- Proverb 31:25 (AMP)
Wouldn't you love for your Heavenly Father to say that about you. That is what we all want, right?
But, we are not fighting against flesh and blood in this life. So the strength that you will need to accomplish God's will is not carnal (Ephesians 6:12).
Being able to work 60+ hours and still make time to keep the house clean and cook dinner is not where your true strength and value lies.
Jesus taught this same truth to Martha over two thousand years ago. But it is just as true today.
...a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me."But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her."
- Luke 10:38-42 (NLT)
The woman God describes in Proverb 31 understands this.
She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness
for her God-given task]...
- Proverbs 31:17 (AMP)
How much time do you spend girding yourself spiritually for the daily tasks that God gives you? Time sitting at His feet, just like Mary did.
Sometimes, it's easy to be so busy running around doing things for God, that you forget all He really wants is your heart.
As I explained in our online Bible class on Living in the Spirit and experiencing constant fellowship with God, God's desire from the beginning of time has been to walk and talk with you in the cool of the day. For His presence to be your constant source of comfort and strength, and His voice your ever present counsel.
You hear many wives complain that their husbands spend so much time at work trying to provide for them, that they have little to no time to spend with the family. These wives say they would rather have time alone with the one they love, than have them constantly working - Even though they are working for them.
God feels the same way about you. He would rather have time alone with the one He loves, than all of your work - Even when the work you are doing is really for Him.
It is only in that time alone communing with you that He can give you the strength that you will need to be the woman He designed you to be.
It is in the time you spend laying at His feet in fellowship with Him that your Father can truly clothe you in strength and dignity. If you feel God calling you to a place of constant fellowship and communion with Him, I would highly recommend our online Bible Class, Living In The Spirit. It will guide you step by step into a place where you can experience more of God's presence in your daily life, and hear His voice guiding you throughout each day.
Proverb 31 Bible Study Lesson 1
Reflection Questions
1. Does understanding the true meaning of "chayil" change the way that you see God's plan for you as a woman?
2. Do you ever fall into the trap of striving for the world's idea of a Strong Woman? Why or why not? If so, how can you safeguard yourself from doing this?
3. Do you feel that the example God gives you in Proverb 31 is attainable? Why or why not?
4. What are a few ways that you personally could make more time to be like Mary and sit at Jesus' feet?
Charm and grace are deceptive,
and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting],
but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord,
she shall be praised!
Give her of the fruit of her hands,
and let her own works praise her in the gates [of the city]!
- Proverb 31:30-31 (AMP)
We have established that the real strength of a woman does not lie in her physical accomplishments, but her spiritual ones.
The Virtuous Woman of Strength that God reveals in Proverb 31 exemplifies the importance of allowing everything that you do daily to flow out of your inner life with God. Doing everything each day as if it is unto your Lord. You will learn more about this in Lesson 2 of your Proverb 31 Woman Bible Study.
Ever feel caught between God's Word and the women's movement. This Christian Women's Bible Study Course will show you that they are not as separate as you may think.
God created woman with a strength all her own. Unfortunately, most women in our society today have been so busy trying to be men, that they have totally missed out on the inherent power of being ladies.
These online women's Bible studies will be your Christian help as you search for the strength and beauty that God has hidden inside of you.
As Christian women, we can sometimes get caught up in getting things accomplished. But, I would suggest that you take your time going through each women's Bible lesson.
When you slow down, it allows God to use His Word to show you who you were really created to be. Not only as a woman, but as His woman
Proverb 31: 10-31 KJV
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
Becoming a Proverb 31 Woman
Lesson 1: Clothed in Strength and Dignity
The Proverb 31 woman is sometimes misrepresented. At times, she has been described as nothing more than a glorified maid.
But that is not who God says is more valuable than precious jewels.
That is not the standard that He has given you to aspire to.
Who Can Find a "Chayil" Woman?
The word "chayil" is what God uses to describe His idea of a real woman.
You have probably always heard it translated as the "virtuous woman."
But it means so much more.
The Amplified Bible gets a bit closer to the heart of the matter by describing her as a "capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman" (Proverb 31:10 AMP).
That sounds better, but, it is still not quite what God has in mind for the woman He has destined you to become.
The Strong’s Hebrew Dictionary explains that the term "chayil" was used to describe great forces and armies. A woman said to be "chayil" would possess a certain strength, might, and power!
If you were a man going out to fight the good fight of faith, doesn’t that sound like someone you would want fighting on your side?
The Proverb 31 Woman is no wimp. She is a woman of great strength!
A Strong Christian Woman-
Isn't that An Oxymoron?
Living in the 21st century, we can sometimes get a skewed idea of what a strong woman is.
Is she the woman who always speaks her mind and doesn't need anyone's help?
The one who runs her household and is convinced that, if she lets her husband do it, he would just mess everything up?
Or is she the corporate tycoon who only has one child because she refuses to be distracted from her career?
Proverb 31 reveals what your Heavenly Father considers to be true strength.
As He describes this woman, He says that:
Strength and dignity are her clothing
and her position is strong and secure...
- Proverb 31:25 (AMP)
Wouldn't you love for your Heavenly Father to say that about you. That is what we all want, right?
But, we are not fighting against flesh and blood in this life. So the strength that you will need to accomplish God's will is not carnal (Ephesians 6:12).
Being able to work 60+ hours and still make time to keep the house clean and cook dinner is not where your true strength and value lies.
Jesus taught this same truth to Martha over two thousand years ago. But it is just as true today.
...a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me."But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her."
- Luke 10:38-42 (NLT)
The woman God describes in Proverb 31 understands this.
She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness
for her God-given task]...
- Proverbs 31:17 (AMP)
How much time do you spend girding yourself spiritually for the daily tasks that God gives you? Time sitting at His feet, just like Mary did.
Sometimes, it's easy to be so busy running around doing things for God, that you forget all He really wants is your heart.
As I explained in our online Bible class on Living in the Spirit and experiencing constant fellowship with God, God's desire from the beginning of time has been to walk and talk with you in the cool of the day. For His presence to be your constant source of comfort and strength, and His voice your ever present counsel.
You hear many wives complain that their husbands spend so much time at work trying to provide for them, that they have little to no time to spend with the family. These wives say they would rather have time alone with the one they love, than have them constantly working - Even though they are working for them.
God feels the same way about you. He would rather have time alone with the one He loves, than all of your work - Even when the work you are doing is really for Him.
It is only in that time alone communing with you that He can give you the strength that you will need to be the woman He designed you to be.
It is in the time you spend laying at His feet in fellowship with Him that your Father can truly clothe you in strength and dignity. If you feel God calling you to a place of constant fellowship and communion with Him, I would highly recommend our online Bible Class, Living In The Spirit. It will guide you step by step into a place where you can experience more of God's presence in your daily life, and hear His voice guiding you throughout each day.
Proverb 31 Bible Study Lesson 1
Reflection Questions
1. Does understanding the true meaning of "chayil" change the way that you see God's plan for you as a woman?
2. Do you ever fall into the trap of striving for the world's idea of a Strong Woman? Why or why not? If so, how can you safeguard yourself from doing this?
3. Do you feel that the example God gives you in Proverb 31 is attainable? Why or why not?
4. What are a few ways that you personally could make more time to be like Mary and sit at Jesus' feet?
Charm and grace are deceptive,
and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting],
but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord,
she shall be praised!
Give her of the fruit of her hands,
and let her own works praise her in the gates [of the city]!
- Proverb 31:30-31 (AMP)
We have established that the real strength of a woman does not lie in her physical accomplishments, but her spiritual ones.
The Virtuous Woman of Strength that God reveals in Proverb 31 exemplifies the importance of allowing everything that you do daily to flow out of your inner life with God. Doing everything each day as if it is unto your Lord. You will learn more about this in Lesson 2 of your Proverb 31 Woman Bible Study.
Monday, August 15, 2011
When god crested man he gave him an estate, a glorious inheritance. Go, the creator possessor of the heavens and earth decided to make man in his own image after his own likeness, and delegated him authority to man. God was to reign in heaven while man was to reign (on his behalf) on earth (PSALM 155:16). ,He was not ruled independently . We were created to be like God, and in our days to be like Christ (ROMANS 8:28, 29), this seems to be different from what we are today compare from what God had in mind concerning our lives. WHY IS IT SO? In this study we hope to see the hindrance of our spiritual growth and walk with God. You may have prayerfully and diligently desire a victorious and vibrant life in the spirit overcoming sin, the flesh, and the devil, in every area of your life, being able to dwell in Gods ta barnacle on his holy hill. Yet for all your effort made in fervent and sincere zeal, a spiritual breakthrough in your life is perhaps still a distance dream, you may have claimed all the promises of God and yet experience a defeat in your spiritual live. We trust that in this study we will be able to discover the great hindrances in our spiritual live . . . discovering self, the hiding cause of this problem and to reveal to your spirit Gods abundant provision to your freedom
1. WHAT IS SELF? From the holy bible in, Ephesians 4:22, Colossians 3:9, Galatians 5:16, Romans 8:7. It is the act of being human… living, thinking, behaving and reacting as a normal being.
2. How did we get this nature? Job 15:14, psalms 58:3, 51:5, john 3:6, Romans 8:8, 1peter 1:18 (NIV, GNB, LB)
3. Life in the flesh: the enemy of Godliness. (Romans 8:5-8 GNB)
How does God view the activities of the flesh? ACTS 9:1, 5 Mathew 16:13-17, 21-23. Peter, a man of revelation looked no less than Satan because he was THINKING like a natural men think, not a God thinks. A man becomes an enemy of God whenever he allows his human nature to direct him.
4. The works, activities, the manifestations of the human nature.(Gal. 5:19-21, Rom. 8:7-8, Eph. 4:22-25,29,31, 5:3-6, Col. KJV,GNB,NIV). 3:5-9 whether in the church, in ministry, in leadership position, in the market, in the prayer room, or in political groups and meetings, on the pulpit, or lecture hall, in the choir as well as fellowship whatever the human nature does is clear and obvious. It can be known whenever you notice any manifestation of human nature in you, rather than explain it any away; you can correctly tell that it’s the old man, the flesh is at work.
It manifests itself in so many ways not just negative but positive ways- when you seek self-praise when you fight against being taken for granted, when the flesh in you does not want to receive any damage. Self is a diverse fellow and deceptive. When you are highly secretive, too protective of your own things, when you quarrel with somebody and you want to exonerate yourself (even if you are right) it only means Mr. Self is very much around. It manifest itself in humility (inverted pride), depression, over excitement. Self makes you ashamed when you meet your mates without being prepared. He does not want to be criticized or embarrassed or disgraced; does not want any comfort or lack, does not want mistakes not because of the fear of God, but because of himself. When you find it difficult to forgive, self will not apologize. Self always insist on his own ways and right. And the list is endless.
5. How do we experience victory in order to overcome flesh? 1. Deny yourself LK 9:23 2. Handover yourself over to the elder Deut 21:18-21. 3. Know the truth on what Christ has done for us on the cross. 2Cor 5:14-15, Gal.5:24, 2:20.
When god crested man he gave him an estate, a glorious inheritance. Go, the creator possessor of the heavens and earth decided to make man in his own image after his own likeness, and delegated him authority to man. God was to reign in heaven while man was to reign (on his behalf) on earth (PSALM 155:16). ,He was not ruled independently . We were created to be like God, and in our days to be like Christ (ROMANS 8:28, 29), this seems to be different from what we are today compare from what God had in mind concerning our lives. WHY IS IT SO? In this study we hope to see the hindrance of our spiritual growth and walk with God. You may have prayerfully and diligently desire a victorious and vibrant life in the spirit overcoming sin, the flesh, and the devil, in every area of your life, being able to dwell in Gods ta barnacle on his holy hill. Yet for all your effort made in fervent and sincere zeal, a spiritual breakthrough in your life is perhaps still a distance dream, you may have claimed all the promises of God and yet experience a defeat in your spiritual live. We trust that in this study we will be able to discover the great hindrances in our spiritual live . . . discovering self, the hiding cause of this problem and to reveal to your spirit Gods abundant provision to your freedom
1. WHAT IS SELF? From the holy bible in, Ephesians 4:22, Colossians 3:9, Galatians 5:16, Romans 8:7. It is the act of being human… living, thinking, behaving and reacting as a normal being.
2. How did we get this nature? Job 15:14, psalms 58:3, 51:5, john 3:6, Romans 8:8, 1peter 1:18 (NIV, GNB, LB)
3. Life in the flesh: the enemy of Godliness. (Romans 8:5-8 GNB)
How does God view the activities of the flesh? ACTS 9:1, 5 Mathew 16:13-17, 21-23. Peter, a man of revelation looked no less than Satan because he was THINKING like a natural men think, not a God thinks. A man becomes an enemy of God whenever he allows his human nature to direct him.
4. The works, activities, the manifestations of the human nature.(Gal. 5:19-21, Rom. 8:7-8, Eph. 4:22-25,29,31, 5:3-6, Col. KJV,GNB,NIV). 3:5-9 whether in the church, in ministry, in leadership position, in the market, in the prayer room, or in political groups and meetings, on the pulpit, or lecture hall, in the choir as well as fellowship whatever the human nature does is clear and obvious. It can be known whenever you notice any manifestation of human nature in you, rather than explain it any away; you can correctly tell that it’s the old man, the flesh is at work.
It manifests itself in so many ways not just negative but positive ways- when you seek self-praise when you fight against being taken for granted, when the flesh in you does not want to receive any damage. Self is a diverse fellow and deceptive. When you are highly secretive, too protective of your own things, when you quarrel with somebody and you want to exonerate yourself (even if you are right) it only means Mr. Self is very much around. It manifest itself in humility (inverted pride), depression, over excitement. Self makes you ashamed when you meet your mates without being prepared. He does not want to be criticized or embarrassed or disgraced; does not want any comfort or lack, does not want mistakes not because of the fear of God, but because of himself. When you find it difficult to forgive, self will not apologize. Self always insist on his own ways and right. And the list is endless.
5. How do we experience victory in order to overcome flesh? 1. Deny yourself LK 9:23 2. Handover yourself over to the elder Deut 21:18-21. 3. Know the truth on what Christ has done for us on the cross. 2Cor 5:14-15, Gal.5:24, 2:20.