Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"False God Whoring"

Judges 2:12 - 'And they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which
brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the
gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed themselves
unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger.'

The devil is a deceiver. Be careful believers, that you do not fall into the snare of the enemy. That you keep yourselves from touching things that bring honor and glory to the enemy or things that defy the most high God of heaven. You see, there are many gods in the earth and right now we are in an era where the enemy is trying to steal the glory of God from the church and steal the power of God from his people. So called Christians are beginning to compromise and do things that bring glory to the enemy and uplift those that worship and serve false gods. Believers are trying to justify going to clubs, listening to sinful music, living an immoral lifestyle, piercing themselves, tattooing themselves, joining cult-like organizations that promote false god worship, pledging into organizations and clubs who's origin is pagan and godless, and even accepting ministry from people that serve other gods and do not worship the true and living God of the bible. We are beginning the end ladies and gentlemen! This is what Paul preached to Timothy. These are the perilous times. Be careful that you do not go whoring after other gods and that you do not defile yourself or your walk, by accepting the gospel of the enemy that is being preached by godless, pagan prophets.

I received an email one time with an attachment that talked about a conference where a so called Christian minister preached a sermon based on the words of Erykah Badu's song. She apparently got a standing ovation and 900 or so women were in attendance. What a shame! You see, Erykah Badu is a spiritualist that promotes false god worship, and is apart of a religion, when she is Erykah, that does not recognize the Word of God as being the truth. So, when she is Erykah Badu, she is a worshipper of a false god, involved in a false religion, and does not recognize the words of Jesus Christ. But when she is not in her Erykah Baduizm character, she is member of a church in Dallas, TX where she supposedly worships the most high God, until she has to become Erykah Badu again! (Does that bother her pastor?) She even has songs with people like Common and others that take the word of God and sing it, mixing it with sin and curses. And the believers that want the worlds music so bad, are buying it, and by singing it or dancing to it, are in agreement with it. This is whoring after false gods my people! This is just what the children of Israel were doing. You see, God did not allow them to touch things that came from false gods, nor could they accept anything that was attached to false gods. So, why are we now trying to embrace the message of false god worshippers into the church? Why are so called Christians trying to justify singing songs that were inspired by false god worship? Why are so many so called Christians fighting for the rights of these false god worshippers and standing up for their right to listen and support them more than they are declaring the Word of God as the true God's message? That's because many of the modern day believers that club, that join pagan clubs, that sing and support sinful music, that watch sin filled videos and movies, that support the secular music industry, etc. do these things more than they ever read the bible. Most of them want the world and the things in the world more than they want the Word and the things of the Word. Wake up people! Turn from your whoring after false gods and the things that are attached to false god worshippers. Though you may find pleasure in them, you do it at the expense of your relationship with the most high God. He will not receive you if you are whoring after other gods. And God not only turned his back on the people that did these types of things in Romans 1, but he also turned his back on people that "found pleasure" in those that did it! Wake up people of God. Turn from these things and find pleasure in what the true and living God has to offer you. If you truly belong to him, you will desire his things, right?

Suggested Reading: Deut. 5:7, Deut. 8:19, Josh. 23:16, Rom. 1:32, Rom. 1:25, 2Tim. 3:1

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